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Being in a relationship with God has got to be the best thing ever! Really! I can’t imagine anything better. Ever!
My walk with Him (officially) began in early 2012; that was when I got “serious” with God. I say “I got serious” because before then, my commitment to God had been a wishy-washy thing. (That’s what happens when you are not “serious” about something)
Looking back, I realise my being “not serious” with God was because I didn’t have personal knowledge of Him and I didn’t understand what it means to be in a relationship with Him.
Well, things started changing in early 2012 in my first year in school (more on that in this interview I did with Mobolaji Olorisade. You should totally read it!); and since then, it’s been a great ride with the Lord!
Yes, there have been rocky paths along the way, no doubt. I’ve fallen into my old sinful habits a number of times (too many to number, actually), but His grace has in every case been sufficient to pull me through. (His grace is why it’s been a great ride!).
I have come through certain things that I can confidently say, “from here, it can only get better. Onwards and upwards with the Lord.”
God’s shown me TOO MUCH faithfulness for me to go back to a sinful life. His love for me is just TOO INTENSE and TOO DEEP for me to go back to that sinful life. His grace holds me FIRMLY, I’m confident I won’t fail, I won’t fall. Where I’m at right now, there's no going back to the way it used to be!
That said, there are loads and loads of benefits that come with being in a relationship with God – the lessons you learn, the strengths you gain, the wisdom you glean, the growing up from the tree-like pruning – too many to put into words!
However, of all these, there is one thing I have learned in my walk with God that I consider to be the most important. Not that other things are not important or are not necessary, but that if I can get this one thing right, everything else will fall into place. It is that important.
What is this single most important thing? It is to serve the Lord with all my heart and let Him take care of everything else.
I have learned that my service to the Lord is all I have to concern myself about; all other things would be taken care of. I have learned that I must ensure I walk with Him with a sincere and upright heart, allowing Him work both IN and THROUGH me.
I do not have to bother myself with the cares of this world – the food to eat, the clothes to wear, the money for school fees, house rent, or any other thing for that matter! I just have to ensure that I offer unblemished service to the One who loves me more than anything in the world! He will take care of me.
I have to make sure I present my body, my heart, my mind, my youthful energy, my passion, my gifts, my time, my ALL as a “living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God” in service to Him.
His Word confirms this, Jesus speaking in Matthew 6:33 said: “But SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Again, Hebrews 11:6 says: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that DILIGENTLY SEEK Him”.
One key takeaway from these texts
The key thing we should take away from these texts is: “Seek God and His righteousness…diligently”.
My encouragement to you: pursue after God, serve Him faithfully…with all your heart, be committed to Him, be devoted to His service, be a God chaser!
Pursue His righteousness (which is only possible when you’ve been reborn by Him as you receive Jesus as your Lord), purge yourself of all filth, let Jesus be your one and only focus, let Him be your passion!
This, my friend, is the single most important thing I have learned in my walk with God. And He is faithful, He will not forget you. Can a mother forget and neglect her suckling child? Well, she can. She can forget, and even neglect her sucking child, but not my God, the faithful One, He will never forget nor neglect you.
Only make sure you serve Him with all you’ve got, dedicate your life to Him, and He will move heaven and earth to see that He takes care of all your needs. This is me speaking from my experience, this is my testimony, this is my reality.
Like with Jacob, God will take you from the wilderness where you were wandering and bear you on His eagles’ wings, and you shall soar beyond your biggest dreams! Serve Him faithfully – that’s all you have to do.
Do you have a personal relationship with God? You do? Great! What’s the single most important thing you’ve learned in your walk with Him? Do share with us in the comments section. Or would you like to have it published here on the blog? Cool! Please, send to
And if you do not have a personal relationship with God, here’s another opportunity for you to start one. Now is the best time for you to dedicate your life to God. As I'll keep saying: life takes on renewed meaning with Jesus.
You may think you've got your life all figured out and everything is going well for you; just surrender your life to Jesus and you'll see there's nothing compared to the you He'll transform you to!
Reach out to Him in your heart, He is near and He’ll embrace you warmly. Please do so now. God bless you.
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