Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Choose this day whom you shall serve

In whose arms would you rather be,
On whose shoulder would you rather lean on,
In whom would you rather trust,
In whose hands would you rather place your life,
At whose feet would you rather lay,
Who would you rather trust with your future?

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Reflections from my "encounter" with Daddy G.O. (Pastor E.A. Adeboye)

They say that if you see a tall tree standing, it means that it has a deep root. It is also true then that if you see an unusually tall tree standing, then it must have unusually deep root. The same could be said of us humans.

I often wonder when I observe great personalities what they did and still do that propelled them to the height they have attained. I wonder: what is it about these great people that distinguish them from the crowd? Observing from afar or simply reading about them sometimes may not reveal these unique things about them. Sometimes, you just need to “have a personal encounter” with them, and then it hits you unmistakably!