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And no, I'm not asking about your psychological (or mental) state; and I'm definitely not asking about your physical welfare, no!
I'm referring particularly to the real you - your spirit. The real you is your spirit. Your body is merely a "tent" (as the Apostle Peter called it in 2 Peter 1:13,14) that must be "put off" when the time comes.
So, how is your spiritual life today? How are you doing spiritually this season? How healthy are you spiritually? Do you have all the required nutrients?
Are you still in Christ Jesus and walk according to the Spirit (Romans 8:1)?
Do you still have fellowship with the Father? Or have you been cut off from your Life Source?
Do you have joy? And I don't mean superficial, shallow "joy" that comes from entertainment or comedy. But real joy. Joy like a river. Birthed solely by the Holy Spirit. That joy which is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). The joy that comes from a knowing that you have Eternal Life (John 17:3) dwelling in you.
Do you have peace in your heart and mind? No, not that peace that comes with having some money in your bank account (or pocket), or that kind which comes from living in a fenced up apartment. But the kind that "surpasses all understanding" (Philippians 4:7).
Do you still have His light in you? I mean the light of His word. That light that shines and darkness runs into hiding (John 1:5).
Do you still get revelational insight when you read His word? Or has reading the Bible become a "chore"? Has it become an "obligation" or "duty" you feel you just have to fulfil?
Are you growing in Him? Growing into His image? Are you "being transformed into the same image from glory to glory" (2 Corinthians 3:18)? Or does it seem like you have stalled a little?
Well, I just thought I should check up on you - the real you.
Turn the searchlight inwards and see where you are at spiritually.
You know, ideally, every now and then, one should go for a medical check up. Similarly, we should do a spiritual check up every now and then to see where we are at, to know how healthy our spirits are faring.
I have done mine...would you do yours - a spiritual check up - today?
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