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Hi there! It's the beginning of a new week, the second in this joy-filled month of October 2016!
I'm hugely expectant of great and mighty things this October. Why, you ask? Well, my Father never has evil plans or thoughts for His children...His thoughts for us are always good...always! So be expectant! Be upbeat!
Remember, the mind has a magnetic pull, and attracts to us the things we think on the most...guard your thoughts!
To begin the new week and help us through it in God-like fashion (that is, excelling at all you do), I felt I'd share some profound thoughts with us. I believe these nuggets will help us maximise this week and every other week we may be gifted (life's a gift, you know). So, here goes...3 thoughts to help you maximise your week
Learn all you can
Some may be born genius, some born intelligent, and some smart. But nobody is ever born wise or knowledgeable. Wisdom and knowledge are products of learning.
This week (and every other week), learn something... Read... Study... Watch how the pros do it and practice. Eventually, you'll exchange all you've learnt (and mastered) for money. People will pay a premium for your knowledge and wisdom. #LearnAllYouCan
What will you do with what you have?
The fact you're alive is proof that you have a place in God's grand purpose. The question then is: will you fulfil your part in that purpose?
The fact you're reading this right now tells me a few things...
you're alive (obviously)...
you can use your mind to reason and process thought (right?)...
you have time, precisely 24 hours everyday (much like everyone else)...
you have a device (a mobile phone or PC) that allows you connect to the world (with data, too!)...
you are internet savvy (not necessarily techy)...and a couple other things...
all these and more are resources we have been given, what will you do with them in fulfilling your purpose? Will you invest them? Waste them? Spend them?
This week and beyond, choose to invest (maximise, make the most of) the resources at your disposal - your talent(s), your time, your experience, your relationships - and fulfil your place in God's grand purpose!
You only need God's approval
Understand that you do not need the "nod" of the crowd before you achieve your goals and fulfil purpose. No! You actually only need one - your Father's.
You only need God's approval to accomplish all that you were created to, not of the multitude!
Jesus knew who He was, and knew He had His Father's nod, so even when people reduced Him to merely Mary's son, or Joseph the carpenter's son, or a man from Nazareth (where it was said no good thing ever came out from!); He didn't give thought to them, because He had His Father's nod. His Father had said "in whom I am well pleased" about Him. That was all that mattered!
The questions we should ask ourselves are: has God given you His nod on that goal? Has He stamped that dream? Do you have His approval on that project? If yes, then you have all you need to accomplish them!
Launch out into the deep. Let down your nets. Because you definitely will make a great catch at His word.
It may only be the second week of the month, but I believe you can achieve all your October goals by the end of the week. Yes, it's possible! God can do it. Do you believe? Will you partner with Him to bring them to pass?
Our God is infinitely powerful, your role (and mine) is to believe Him, and get up and do our part!
PS: Use the share buttons below and share this piece with those you care about. I believe it'll help a great deal (you believe so too, right?).
Oh! And you should leave your thoughts in the comments section below. Let's reason together...thanks and do have a great week! I certainly will!
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